

Why don't we start somewhere simple..?

Name : Kotori Yatsugiri
Age : Mid-Twenties
Race : Miqo'te
Gender : He/Him | They/Them
Sexuality : Asexual | Bi-romantic
Relationship Status : Good Fucking Luck
Alignment : Chaotic Evil

... Now a bit more personal...

Profession : Assassin | Shinobi
Hobbies : Wandering | Petting Strays | People-watching
Languages : Common | Doman | Hingashi | Sign | Hannish
Residence : An abandoned house against Yanxia's coast
Aliases : Eight-Blades | Sakura No Ken | Yatsugiri
Nickname : Koto
Physical Features :
- Tiger-spotted ears
- Red aether-inked tattoo on his left shoulder
- Right arm heavily scarred
- Tiger-striped tail

Have we met..?

Temple Trained Shinobi - Uncommon

An expert in stealth, assassination and espionage, Kotori was trained at a secretive temple in the depths of Othard. Kotori placed a great deal of his focus in ambushing and placing the right words in the right ears to make up for his weakness. Soundless steps and a nonthreatening appearance give him all of the tools needed to make an effective shinobi.

Ex-Aoi Kaze Kai ( YAKUZA ) - Uncommon

The Aoi-Kaze Kai was an ancient family dating back to the founding of Onmyoji arts in the Far East. As centuries passed however, the family began to decline into more nefarious means; summoning oni and malevolent spirits to plague small homes or towns in Hingashi ( and sometimes even Steppe ) provinces. Afterward, they would impose fees in order to rid said provinces of such evil beings... and if their fees could not be paid, the Aoi-Kaze Kai would often target the families of those whose debts have gone to collections.
Frequently, Kotori was sent on these types of tasks--shutting his eyes to hide that his charming smile did not quite reach them, bouncing his ears to appear kind and approachable and nonthreatening...
Recently, the Aoi-Kaze Kai have stopped all activities, and any efforts to reach even the Head of House has come up empty. Kotori, a long-standing member of said family, has been wandering in the West... strangely free of his contract.

The Mage's Brand - Situational

The brand is old and buried Onmyoji magic--located on his left shoulder in vivid red ink, it is essentially an open contract for any mage to stake their claim on the Kotori's will... however, currently it would seem the brand is closed entirely. Aether eminates from the markings, but the signature does not match Kotori's natural aether.

High-Class Assassin for Hire - Rare

Kotori is swiftly making a name for himself among the echelons of both Eastern and Western society--his talents enable him to slip right past any defenses targets may have. His kill rate exceeds expectations, and though his prices fluctuated near the beginning of his career, currently Kotori has a heavy tag.Clever, cunning and clean; Kotori tends to take his time to learn about his targets and their habits, develop plans for stronger opponents, and focus entirely on ambush tactics.

Chatty, aren't we...

There is no shortage of rumors in the Eastern Underground about Kotori... strangely a great deal come from those of all ages, speaking as though Kotori had been around during their time.

Kugane Resident - Common

"I remember him... he always stood quietly behind the- ... -others when they would come around seeking their payments for their 'protection'. He never did look too happy to be there--almost seems like their business bored him."

Yakuza Member - Underground Connections ( East )

A heavy sigh, paired with a shift in discomfort. "Nothing worse than seeing that mess of hair walking towards you--smiling all cheery-like. Either he's there for business (which is a bad thing by the by) ... or leisure, which could also be pretty bad."

More to come, as Kotori settles in the West (:

OOC Information!

When writing...I really enjoy darker themes and tend to avoid the more slice-of-life style of RP, unless discussed or plotted out otherwise!
Kotori himself is an antagonistic character and--if given the chance--would provide a more dark and intricate plotline for you or your Free Company/Roleplaying Group! I only ask that you please be understanding that I don't enjoy the story ending very swiftly, and would prefer plotlines that are more intricate and drawn out. Kotori is a very complex character, alongside your own, and I'd love the opportunity to explore those complexities and challenges.
When chatting...I LOVE to plot and create stories with people, regardless what character--and I LOVE hearing about other peoples' characters with all of my heart! Please don't be afraid to reach out to me and message me if you've got a plot idea in mind!
As a very vocal advocate against the abuse of minors, I ask that anyone under the age of 21 do not interact with me or this character--for your own protection and mine!

Thank you for visiting!